How to make an Easypaisa Shop payment?

  1. Shop on and check out once you’re ready to buy
  2. After confirming you address and order, select “Easypaisa Shop”. Easypay discount will be applied to your order amount
  3. Confirm your order, a random token number will be generated and displayed on your screen
  4. Visit the nearest Easypaisa Shop and ask the agent to accept Easypay payment against your token number. You have 24h to make the payment. Make the payment quicker to have your order processed earlier
  5. Once the payment has been processed successfully, you will receive a payment confirmation via SMS and email

My Easypaisa Shop payment was declined, what should I do?

If your Easypaisa Shop payment was declined, check to see if you visited an Easypaisa Shop within 24 hours. After 24 hours, your order is automatically canceled. Place a new order and select Easypaisa Shop as your payment option to enjoy the same benefits.

Click here to identify your nearest Easypay agent

If you’re still having problems with your payment, you can also try these steps:

  1. Changing your payment method at checkout. Daraz also offers payment via Cash on Delivery, Easypay Credit/Debit Card, Easypay Shop, Bank transfers.
  2. Calling 3737 for Telenor users or 111-345-100 for non-Telenor users